April 26, 2018

Emelda preparing veggies in readiness for lunch. The greens are called Chinese cabbage. They are boiled in salt water, tomatoes and a little oil are added, and they are ready for lunch.

Charles and Veronica working on their schedule to swap teaching math and history classes. Veronica is very good with math, and Charles is good with history, biology, and English.

Malila preparing her next day's pod work. Her pod has improved very much in English and she is very proud of them. She has started going to school after her work at Living Compassion to take a course in teaching.

Jowen gets help carrying the huge basin of veggies to the kitchen after washing them with clean water.

Monica in the dining hall serving lunch.

Our team members cleaning the dishes at the tap using clean water. Cholera has not gone away yet, and the health workers are always emphasizing using clean water, cleaning our surroundings, and always washing our utensils in running water.

Lunch time. Little Natasha enjoying nshima, soya chunks, and veggies.

Clearing the side of the hill at the back of the Living Compassion compound. It is so beautiful and when one walks to the top of it, one can view the whole of Kantolomba and nearby other geographical features. It's a wonderful sight!

Bruce and his friend are this week's cute and healthy faces of Kantolomba.

Meet the newest member of our Living Compassion family. Andrew is Josephine's son who was born a week ago.

Baby Peace, another of Josephine's sons. He has grown and now has a little brother. So cute!