New Beginnings Blog

New Beginnings Blog


August 8, 2024

There’s shockingly little to report given what feels like the rapid-fire nature of days here at FAZC. The retreats are going swimmingly, which may be the biggest item to come out of this Summer of Sangha. Even those who confessed to voting, during the survey, that a place to gather wasn’t important to them have reconsidered. Being together is Sangha. Virtual is essential. We don’t all live in proximity to one another or to the mothership. We have to be able to feel the mutual support on a daily basis. And, we simply must be in the same “room” together once a year at the very least. No one can say exactly why that’s the case, we just all know it is. 
Even though the temperatures are mild and pleasant, out in the sun in the afternoon can get toasty. Since the first retreat in which covid visited we’ve been meeting outside and have spent the summer chasing the shade. The sides came off the tent for maximum room and ability to move with the shade as it moves throughout the day. 

The Gazebo proceeds apace, albeit a rather slow pace. It now appears that even though we started the process shortly after the new year, the building won’t be available until after the last retreat of the summer. Ah, well. No one can deny it is adorable, and we will certainly enjoy its function rather than just its beauty as we move into the Fall.

The enthusiasm of Sangha for being together in person has re-vitalized interest in finding the way/place for creating what’s needed. When the final retreat finishes and we have a few minutes to catch our breath, we plan to take up again the conversation about possible “what next/what now” steps. Our realtor is keeping an eye out for possible locations. We go back and forth about what might be workable at the Lost Mountain Road and the Four Acre Zen Center properties. Nothing is dropping in thus far, which tells us clearly the time is not right. We’re hoping more folks looking together will shake loose a direction. 

Sending copies of TINW to prisoners 
That’s about it. As promised, it doesn’t seem like much happening for such a busy time. But then when we consider all that’s going on with our friends in Kantolomba, keeping all operational with Living Compassion and the Zen Center, the consistent work of the stewards of Practice, keeping the world of books afloat, the Guestmaster’s around-the-clock focus on communication with Sangha and a larger community, blogs, newsletters, the Yearlong retreat, coordinating property maintenance…. Oh, my! It’s a big, busy, breathtaking, marvelous life and time. 
Deep bows of gratitude to all who participate in making it so. 
In gasshō,