
If You Are New

“The quality of your life is determined by the focus of your attention.”
– Cheri Huber
• Attend a There Is Nothing Wrong with You Retreat (Paused for Covid, new dates coming soon)
Then: Begin a practice
• Start a Recording and Listening (R/L) practice.
  > Check out .
  > Play the "What Universe Are You Creating?" game.
• Commit to a Meditation Practice.
  > Join a virtual sitting group.
Call in to the Open Air radio show each Tuesday.
  > Listen to the Archives.
Visit the Practice Offerings page to participate in upcoming practice opportunities.
Get Sangha Support
• Do an email class with Cheri.
• Participate in Reflective Listening Buddies.
Keep Practicing
• R/L some more.
• Sign up for Keeping Commitments Buddies.
Meditate virtually with Sangha on a regular basis.
• Sign up for the Yearlong Retreat. Registration has closed, but it is still possible to join the Yearlong Retreat. Email to request information.