Africa Project Update

The school year in Zambia follows a calendar year, with the students taking exams in November and December and results coming in January.  Therefore, this time of year is one of the busiest for the project.

From waiting to learn the results, through the flurry of activity in looking at what’s next, I’m struck by the non-urgency of it all.  This is a time of big decisions, but they are always approached with looking, discussing, considering, and seeing what drops in.  To me, this is one of the most beautiful experiences of this work. 

The process takes the time to consider and discuss each girl and each choice.  It starts with Theresa and includes consulting the family, the teachers, the cooperative and, of utmost importance, the young person involved.  Even with deadlines and the need to buy uniforms, figure out transportation, and pay the tuition, it is this time spent in conversation and consideration that demonstrates how the project continues to unfold.  Panono, panono.  One step at a time.  Little by little. With utmost care and attention to what is truly important, each expression of life.
