
2024 Practice Offerings

"Keeping Commitments" Buddy Program
Cost/ $20
Duration/ Varies


Jul 15, 2024 - Oct 15, 2024
Specific commitment duration is self-selected.
Registration closes by July 1, or when the registration limit is reached.
The ability to send and receive texts
Non-refundable after registration closes

Would you like support to keep your commitments? Does “I don’t want to, I don’t feel like it” sabotage your resolve? If so, this program is for you. Whatever your commitment—a fitness routine, not yelling at the kids, filing your taxes, a work project, a report for a class, a daily meditation practice—conditioned mind will work overtime to talk you out of it. Having someone to be accountable to for keeping our commitments is powerful support.


  • Sign up for the program
  • You will be assigned an experienced Practitioner as a Buddy.
  • You text your Buddy what your commitment is.
  • You agree on a reporting structure with your Buddy.
  • Your Buddy will acknowledge your report.
  • If you don’t text with an update, the Buddy will send you a reminder.

I’m in the pilot program. Having a Buddy to report to helps keep the self-hating voice of ‘you will fail’ from being the only input I hear. I love this simple program.
– a Sangha participant